Term 2 in Primary 6

We have had a busy start to Term 2 in our new school building. We have really settled into our new building and are enjoying having more space in our classroom and having an amazing new smartboard.
On the first week back we created fantastic castle pictures in art and created new cooperative learning groups. Our new groups are called: The Hip Hop Sponges, Dynomite, Pop-tastic, Pop to the Top and The Pop Pizzas.
This week we had Parent's Night and we were extremely pleased with our excellent reports. We are going to keep up the good work for the rest of the year. On Wednesday we had our last week of swimming. It was a great afternoon where we got to wear our pyjamas in the pool!! We are really going to miss swimming and we feel like we have learned a lot from the swimming coaches who have taught us every week.
We have got lots of exciting things to look forward to this term. We have a brand new topic "Significant Scots" where we will be learning about important Scottish people from past and present. We will also be starting rehearsals for our Robert Burns assembly and ceilidh which will take place on Friday 21st January.
Primary 6 are really excited about Christmas. We can't wait to create our Christmas crafts for the Christmas fayre and to perform our class song at the Christmas concert.
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