Term 2
Thank you for the great response to Operation Smile, the children have been bringing in their t-shirts over the past couple of weeks. We have been looking on the map to see where we will be sending our surgical gowns to. We will begin the design process next week.
We are about to embark on our new topic: The Media and will be exploring newspapers, radio, television and the internet. Yes it's a lot to cover, but we're confident that we'll be budding journalists by the end of term. If you have any broadsheets or tabloids please feel free to contribute them to our study. Please remove any pages you don't think are appropriate.
We are about to embark on our new topic: The Media and will be exploring newspapers, radio, television and the internet. Yes it's a lot to cover, but we're confident that we'll be budding journalists by the end of term. If you have any broadsheets or tabloids please feel free to contribute them to our study. Please remove any pages you don't think are appropriate.