Primary 6 have been working extremely hard this term to complete work and transform their class for The Media topic open evening. During our project we learned lots of new skills throughout all the areas of the curriculum, such as, using water colours, researching, information handling, reporting and interviewing to name a few. We are also very proud of our class magazine that we hope to sell nearer the end of term. We invited three guests to our Journalist’s Workshop where we put our interviewing skills to the test and learned a lot about the job. On Monday 12th March we invited our family and friends to our open evening and the event was a great success. Everyone enjoyed watching our adverts on the Smartboard and another favourite activity was ‘Pin the Tie on the Newsreader’.

Working hard to make our percentage adverts.

Great Team Work Girls!

Concentrating on getting our jobs done for the open evening.
The primary 6 year group visited St. Mirren Park to take part in the annual Safekids event. We all had a fabulous afternoon thanks to all the agencies involved who raised awareness of: Fire Safety, Drug and Alcohol awareness, Internet Safety, Litter and Waste management, Crime and Anti-social Behaviour. Although lots of fun was had, the afternoon gave us some very strong messages of how we can stay safe in our communities. The pupils learned a very good lesson during the Internet Safety session, where a member of the St Mirren coaching team communicated with the pupils via chat on a laptop. He pretended to be a girl named Natasha who had free tickets to a St Mirren game. All but three children in Primary 6 accepted the offer and set off to find ‘Natasha’. However were greatly disappointed to find myself and teachers from St Anne’s Primary sitting waiting for them. REMEMBER boys and girls: Never arrange to meet someone on the internet if you do not know them.
LEPRA visited the school and we all got involved in an aerobics workout which was great fun.
As our Media topic has come to an end, we will now be learning about Electric Circuits in Science; Hindu Temples in Religious and Moral Education and we will also visit Trinity Church for our Easter service led by Primary 5.
Primary 6 also can’t wait to wear their pyjamas to school next week for our end of term reward. We are pleased to say that all P6 boys and girls will be able to attend for excellent behaviour.
Well done Primary 6; you really deserve it!
Miss Paterson and Primary 6
Working hard to make our percentage adverts.
Great Team Work Girls!
Concentrating on getting our jobs done for the open evening.
The primary 6 year group visited St. Mirren Park to take part in the annual Safekids event. We all had a fabulous afternoon thanks to all the agencies involved who raised awareness of: Fire Safety, Drug and Alcohol awareness, Internet Safety, Litter and Waste management, Crime and Anti-social Behaviour. Although lots of fun was had, the afternoon gave us some very strong messages of how we can stay safe in our communities. The pupils learned a very good lesson during the Internet Safety session, where a member of the St Mirren coaching team communicated with the pupils via chat on a laptop. He pretended to be a girl named Natasha who had free tickets to a St Mirren game. All but three children in Primary 6 accepted the offer and set off to find ‘Natasha’. However were greatly disappointed to find myself and teachers from St Anne’s Primary sitting waiting for them. REMEMBER boys and girls: Never arrange to meet someone on the internet if you do not know them.
LEPRA visited the school and we all got involved in an aerobics workout which was great fun.
As our Media topic has come to an end, we will now be learning about Electric Circuits in Science; Hindu Temples in Religious and Moral Education and we will also visit Trinity Church for our Easter service led by Primary 5.
Primary 6 also can’t wait to wear their pyjamas to school next week for our end of term reward. We are pleased to say that all P6 boys and girls will be able to attend for excellent behaviour.
Well done Primary 6; you really deserve it!
Miss Paterson and Primary 6