Primary 6 Term 1
We have a fantastic session planned for Primary 6. This term the pupils are studying the Solar System and will be learning about our Rights and Responsibilities through the topic, Being European. We have begun our swimming lessons and are thoroughly enjoying the new experience and everyone is working hard to improve their skills. Since returning to the school in August, the class have been taking part in many challenges to develop classroom contracts and rules whilst building relationships with each other. This helps to create a supportive learning environment for everyone. With Primary 6 comes many new responsibilities and commitments. The children have taken on Dinner Duty and some children have been entrusted with being monitors for younger classes during wet weather. The pupils really do demonstrate that they are Responsible Citizens. All pupils have settled in well to their setting classes and are already setting targets which they hope to meet by the end of the term to help improve their Maths and Language skills, as well as a personal target for everyone. Please feel free to comment Primary 6, friends and family.
Primary 6 and Miss Paterson :)
Primary 6 and Miss Paterson :)